
5 Reasons Motorcycle Accidents Are More Common at Intersections than Other Places

You may wonder: Why are so many motorcycle accidents occurring at intersections? After many years working with clients who have been injured in these accidents, at Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas we have looked into the issue. Get the facts on five of the reasons that intersections are hotbeds for motorcycle accidents. If you have been the victim of this type of accident, contact us at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.

  1. Improper Left Turns
  2. One study showed that about 42% of motorcycle accidents at intersections happened when a vehicle was turning left in front of the person on the motorcycle. The motorcycles were continuing straight, which means that the vehicle turning left did not have the right of way. Too often, cars believe they have the right of way over motorcycles, or simply do not see motorcycles.
  3. There Are Traffic Lights
  4. While traffic lights would ideally prevent any type of accidents, they can actually result in higher instances of accidents. Imagine a four-way stop and you will see that there is a serious threat to motorcycle riders. For example, many drivers will speed up when they see a yellow light – which could result in hitting a motorcyclist who is legally passing through the intersection.
  5. Roads Are Not Designed Smartly
  6. The way a road is designed can have a huge impact on how likely a motorcycle accident is. Stats show that the most hazardous of junctions are those that either has no lights, or have no signs to guide drivers who are moving fast. The makeup of the road, and the way in which traffic is directed, are both important factors to consider when determining how to reduce motorcycle accidents.
  7. T-Bone Intersections Provide Unique Issues
  8. A t-bone intersection can create issues for a few reasons. First, these are intersections at which the motorist is more likely to hit the motorcycle on the side. Second, these are intersections at which the car is more likely to fall into the path of the motorcycle driver. These are both serious and very dangerous situations.
  9. Rear-End Accidents
  10. It is all too common for a motorcycle rider to be involved in a rear-end accident at a stop sign or traffic signal. Why? Because motorists often take their eyes off the road. This is becoming more common as distracted driving becomes more of an issue. While a rear-end accident may not be fatal in most cases when the vehicles involved are cars, a motorcycle rear-ends accident can indeed become deadly.

Do you have questions about the process of finding the right personal injury attorney? If so, contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 now to request a free legal consultation. We are here to help you find the right way forward.