Many pregnant women are aware that every time they get into a car, they are putting themselves and their baby in danger. However, many women have no idea about the many dangers they could face if they are involved in a car accident. Keep reading to learn about these dangers. If you are involved in a car accident in which someone else is at fault, contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.
The Results of a New Study
We have reviewed a new study that found a surprising conclusion: pregnant women are more likely to be involved in a car accident compared to non-pregnant drivers. Does this mean that pregnant women should not drive at all during pregnancy? No – but it does mean they should take steps to be extra cautious, to follow the rules of the road, and to learn what makes them at such a higher risk for danger.
The Risk is Greatest in the Second Trimester
The study shows that women in their second trimester are as likely to get into a car accident as a person who suffers from sleep apnea. While women might think that letting a man in their life drive during this time would keep them safer, remember that men have higher crash rates than women to do. The better option is to make sure that women are staying as safe as they can while they are driving.
The Details of the Study
The study was completed in Ontario, Canada, and looked at the medical records of more than half a million mothers. For each of the women in the study, they looked at data from four years before their baby was born and one year after their baby was born. They found the following results regarding danger in each trimester:
- The crash rate was not elevated during the first trimester
- The crash rate for pregnant women in their second trimester increased by 42% and the rate of ER visits during this time went from 4.3 visits for every 1,000 women to 7.7 visits for every 1,000 women
- The crash rate for women in their third trimester was lower than before they got pregnant
Why Are Women So Much More Likely to Get into an Accident During the Second Trimester?
It is not currently 100% clear why women are so much more likely to be involved in a car accident during the second trimester of their pregnancy. It might have something to do with changes in a woman’s hormones during pregnancy. There can also be an increased risk of a fatal car accident for pregnant women because they cannot always get the procedures they need, such as CT scans, which can harm a fetus.
If you have been injured in a car accident and require legal help, contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.