
A San Bernardino Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Explains What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident in Southern California

It is not uncommon for a person who regularly rides a motorcycle to be involved in a motorcycle accident. If you are lucky, your descent will occur at a leisurely 25 mph and result in a few scrapes, bruises, and abrasions. However, if you are not as fortunate, a motorbike accident might easily result in more serious injuries.

Keep reading to learn what to do after an accident and then contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a consultation with a San Bernardino motorcycle accident lawyer.

Common injuries seen by a San Bernardino motorcycle accident lawyer

Traumatic brain injuries, back and neck injuries, shattered bones, and severe abrasion injuries are some of the most frequent motorcycle accident injuries (only 60% of riders wear DOT-compliant helmets!). Any one of these injuries has the potential to result in significant hardship, such as lost time at work and pain and suffering.

You should claim compensation if you were not at fault for the accident. Following a motorbike accident, follow these recommendations to make sure your claim for compensation is as solid as possible.

Call 911

Calling 911 to get immediate medical help is highly advised if you or anybody else has sustained significant injuries. It is your decision if you do not think you require immediate medical attention. But you must be sure to see the doctor right away. Even if you feel mostly well after the accident, you should still be checked out since you can still be hurt. Your appointment to the doctor will support attempts to subsequently claim compensation by helping to identify your injuries and connect them to the incident.

Call the police

A police report about the incident that is on file might be highly beneficial to your case. Always dial 911, especially if someone was seriously hurt. It is conceivable that the police will not come take a report; in that case, you should get over to the station as soon as you can to file one.

Gather evidence and names

You can start gathering contact information from all persons involved in the collision as well as any witnesses while you wait for the police and EMTs to arrive.

Take pictures

If you can, attempt to capture pictures of the accident site; ideally, do so before the automobiles or your motorbike are moved from their original places. These images will aid in demonstrating the accident’s cause and mode of operation.

Contact a San Bernardino accident lawyer

It is best to speak with a motorcycle accident injury attorney as soon as possible regarding your case. Your lawyer can let you know where you stand legally after briefly evaluating the relevant information. In the event that you have a solid claim for compensation, your lawyer may handle all communications with the insurance companies to prevent you from unintentionally admitting blame, downplaying your injuries, or accepting a settlement that offers you less money than you are entitled to.

Call Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 right now to schedule a free consultation if you would like to talk about your motorcycle accident with an experienced San Bernardino motorcycle accident lawyer.