
Available Treatments for Victims of Burn Injures

Suffering from a burn injury is a serious situation. At first, it may seem that the incredible pain is the worst part. In truth, the worst part is often the fact that ongoing treatments are likely going to be needed. But for some people, this isn’t even the worst part. For some people, the worst part of a burn injury is not being able to afford the treatment they need. Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas is here to try and help victims in these situations.

Most burn injuries will require dressings

Dressings are often one of the first treatments a person gets after they’ve been injured in a burn accident. Dressings have many advantages. First and foremost, they can help prevent germs from getting into the area that’s been burned. Remember that one of the jobs of your skin is essentially to be a barrier to gems. When your skin isn’t there to prevent germs from getting in, then your raw, open wound can get infected and your entire body could be at risk.

You’ll likely need numerous dressings

When a physician dresses a burn, they typically don’t just do it once and that’s it. Instead, most patients have to have it changed on a regular basis. This requires some burn victims to have prolonged hospital stays. Others can go home but must return to their doctor weekly – or even more frequently. Regardless, just about everyone will experience a lot of pain during these sessions, which requires medication for pain control.

You may need skin grafts

Another typical type of treatment for burn injuries are skin grafts. Essentially, this involves a doctor taking skin from one part of your body and attaching it to the area that’s been burned. The healthy skin helps the burned skin underneath it to heal faster. That said, skin grafting is a slow, painstaking process that also comes with a lot of pain.

There are a host of medications used to treat burns

Depending on the specifics of your injury, your doctor may prescribe any one (or more) of a variety of medications. This may include pills, creams, IV medications, ointments, and more. Each one is used for a different reason and with a different type of burn. Only your medical team will know what combination of medications is likely to work best.

The short-term and long-term costs of a burn can add up

In addition to being painful, a burn injury can be expensive. Not only do you have to find a way to pay the medical bills and pay for ongoing medications, but you will also likely miss work to go to your appointments. If you end up with an infection, then you may be hospitalized for a long time. This means no money coming in and a lot of money going out.

The good news is that there may be help for you. If your burn injury was the result of someone else acting recklessly or negligently, then a personal injury attorney may be able to help you. At Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas, we will start with a free case evaluation if you simply call us at 909-982-0707. Let us assess your situation and find the best way to help.