No one wants to lose their life in a car accident yet thousands of people do every year. The good news is that all it takes is following a few simple tips to greatly reduce your chance of being involved in a car accident. Keep reading to learn what they are and remember to contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 if you are involved in a car accident and require a free legal consultation.
Make Sure to Get Regular Car Maintenance
Getting regular maintenance on your vehicle is important not just to ensure that your vehicle works for you as long s possible but also to reduce your danger on the road. Make sure that your tires have enough tread and that they are rotated according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Replace windshield wiper blades when they become damaged, make sure your fluids are topped off, and have your brakes inspected.
Remove All Distractions
One of the factors that is often blamed for the increase in accident is the fact that today’s vehicles have so many more distractions. From cars to tablets, from texting to talking on the phone, anything you are doing that is not driving can reduce your safety. You should not be drinking, eating, using any handheld device, texting, emailing, changing the radio station, putting on makeup, dealing with passengers or pets, looking out the window, or talking on the phone.
Reduce Your Speed
One of the best ways you can stay as safe as possible when driving is to reduce your regular speed and drive defensively. Remember that just because the speed limit is 65 MPH, that does not mean that you have to drive that fast. In many cases, it makes more sense to driver slower. For example, in heavy traffic, when it is raining, or when visibility is reduced it makes more sense to drive slowly.
Along with this, make sure you are driving defensively. If you see a vehicle driving too slow, wait until you can safely pass them. Do not tailgate them. If someone else is tailgating you, resist the urge to drive slower to aggravate them. Let them pass you safely. Even if you have the right of way, make sure other vehicles are following the rules before you go.
Do Not Drive if Impaired by Drugs, Alcohol, or Drowsiness
Almost half of fatal car accidents involve at least one drunk driver. Many drivers on today’s roads might be under the influence of drugs while driving. Even worse, some studies have shown that driving while drowsy can be as dangerous as driving while intoxicated. Only drive if you feel that you have your wits about you and can do so safely.
Of course, you cannot prevent 100% of accidents. If you are involved in an accident, contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at
to request a free legal consultation from an experienced personal injury attorney.