What to Do After a Car Accident: Can You Pass Our Dos and Don’ts Quiz?

Posted on Apr 7, 2020 by Fernando D. Vargas

Many people believe they know what to do if they are involved in a car accident but in many cases they may do something they should not do – or not do something they should do. Check out this simple quiz of dos and don’ts to find out how much you know about what to do after an accident. You can also contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 if you need help with legal questions.

Do or Don’t: Contact Your Insurance Provider Right After Your Accident

Do. Tell them the basic facts of your accident. Give them information on the other driver. Of course, when we say “right after the accident” we mean when it is safe to do so. After any accident, the first priority is to get everyone safe.

Do or Don’t: Provide a Written or Recorded Statement to an Insurance Company

Don’t. Even if it is your insurance company you are dealing with. You do not want to do this until you have talked to a personal injury attorney. Even if it is your insurance company, their goal is to reduce the claim as much as possible. Let your attorney help you avoid this.

Do or Don’t: Sign Waivers or Releases to Get Your Vehicle Fixed

Don’t. You may have an insurance company offer to have your vehicle fixed right away if you sign their waiver or release. This relieves them of any liability in the accident. If you were injured, you would have no further recourse to sue. Do not sign any documents until you have talked to your attorney.

Do or Don’t: Take Pictures of Your Vehicle and Injuries

Do. If it is safe to do so and you are medically able to do so, take photos of your vehicle, other vehicles involved in the crash, all injuries, and the general scene of the accident. If there were contributing factors, such as confusing road signs, take photos of those too. The more evidence you have, the better your chance of winning your case will be.

Do or Don’t: Accept the Appraisal / Estimate of Your Insurance Company

Don’t – at least not without doing your own research. They may be quoting an estimate from their own contractor, which may be less than your own mechanic. You have the right to get the repairs done at a place of your choosing. You do not have to accept their estimate – get your own or talk to your attorney about appropriate estimates.

Do or Don’t: Wait to Contact an Attorney Until You Are Sure of Your Injuries

Don’t. You should contact a personal injury attorney as soon as you can. We will likely not settle on a claim until we are sure of your long-term injuries, the sooner you call us the sooner we can start working on your case. Reach out to Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 to learn more.