
Children and the Elderly Are the Most Likely to Suffer from Burn Injuries in the Home

Burns can be serious for anyone but they’re even more serious when they happen to children and the elderly. Unfortunately, both children and the elderly are the most likely to be the victims of burns in the home. At Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas, we want every client of ours to stay safe. That’s why we’re providing information on how to protect the entire family from burn injuries.

However, if you or a loved one has suffered from a burn injury that was wholly or partially the fault of someone else, then you may need to talk to a personal injury attorney. At Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas, we can provide you with a free case evaluation. Just give us a call at 909-982-0707 and we’ll get the basic details. We can then provide out expert opinion about whether or not you have a case.

Burns can require long-term medical care

When children get burns they can be more serious than when a healthy adult gets a burn. If the burns they suffer from are serious and / or especially painful then years of medical treatments could be required. This is a situation no one wants to be in, but the good news is that some burns can be prevented by taking certain steps.

Help protect children and the elderly from scalding burns

One of the most common ways that the elderly and young children can suffer burns at home is by being scalded. The easiest way to prevent this is to make sure that any water they’re around, whether it’s bath water or sink water, is no hotter than 140 degrees. In fact, ideally the temperature would be between 120 and 125 degrees. The 140-degree mark is a must-not-pass because anything above that is capable of causing third-degree burns in just five seconds.

Some tips to help keep the risk down

A few ways to help prevent these types of scalding burns are to make sure that you keep children away from the stove. Most people would never leave a child alone in a room with a stove on, but don’t let them near it if you’re there either. Remember that it just takes a second for them to tip over a tea kettle and cause themselves serious burns. For elderly folks, make sure that you’re not heating their tea or coffee any hotter than it needs to be to be enjoyed.

Has someone else burned a loved one?

Do you have a loved one that’s been burned due to the negligence of a daycare worker or someone in charge of a senior? If so, then you may need to contact a personal injury attorney. Those in charge of the care of our most vulnerable citizens have a responsibility to prevent these types of injuries. If they were burned as the result of negligence or recklessness then you may be eligible for compensation.

The easiest way to find out if your situation qualifies is to call Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 right away. We can provide a free consultation and give you our expert opinion on how to best move forward.