Taking a rideshare or taxi can be a very safe way to get home after a night out. However, there are certain steps that can help keep you safe in these vehicles. Remember that a car accident is not the worst thing that can happen. Keep reading for top tips and if you do suffer an injury in a car accident, contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.
- Check the License Plate If you have requested a car ahead of time and have been given the license plate number, make sure it matches the vehicle that shows up. Make sure the car color, make, and model match as well. Once you have confirmed all of this, look at the driver and ask them your name. If they know it, then you can count on the fact that they likely got it from the app. This might seem like overkill, but remember that in tourist areas, some people with bad intentions might realize that people are often not paying close attention to which car they are getting into. It is generally pretty obvious to see who is waiting for a car and it is simple to just drive up to them in an attempt to pick them up. For this and other reasons, it is essential to check the vehicle before you get into it.
- Choose a Safe Place to Get Picked Up and Dropped Off You do not have to be picked up right at your home. You can choose a more public space. Likewise, you can get dropped off a block or two from your home. Make sure you are getting picked up and dropped off in areas that are well lit and safe, but are out of major roadways so that you do not run the risk of being struck by vehicles. Ideally, choose a space where you can sit inside until the driver appears. For example, if you are near a coffee shop or a local bar, you might stop in for a few minutes and wait for your ride. Never step into the road to flag down a ride. If you cannot request your own ride, ask that someone do so for you.
- Always Wear Your Seatbelt For some reason, people are much less likely to wear seatbelts if they are in cabs or rideshares. Remember that you can still be in an accident and the best way to stay safe if you are is to be wearing your seatbelt.
In the event you are injured while in a cab or rideshare, contact a personal injury attorney for a free consultation as soon as you can. You can reach Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707.