
Improperly Loaded Truck Cargo Can Lead to Truck Accidents and Worse

There’s no such thing as a good truck accident but some accidents are worse than others. No matter the cause, it’s always worth it to get a free consultation with an attorney. If you’ve been involved in an accident then we urge you to reach out to Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 right away. We’ll take a look at the facts of your case and give you an honest opinion about your options.

If your accident involved a commercial truck, and you suspect that the cause was related in part or in whole to that truck being improperly loaded, then you could have a personal injury lawsuit on your hands. There are many people who may be responsible, from the driver of the truck to the company they worked for – or perhaps a third party that loaded the cargo. Read on to learn more about the complexities of these situations and how we can help.

It can be challenging to determine who’s at fault for a truck accident

Most car accidents only involve two vehicles. This isn’t true of truck accidents. In many instances, there are many cars involved and an even larger number of parties involved. For example, you don’t need to only determine what caused the accident but you must determine who was responsible. If the truck driver wasn’t following the law, then it may be them. If their employer created unsafe working conditions then it may be them. Your personal injury attorney can help you determine who was at fault.

Cargo isn’t always secured correctly

There are several different ways in which cargo can be improperly loaded. First, it can be unsecured. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration creates specific guidelines determining how cargo must be secured. These requirements say that the cargo must be either secured or immobilized using tie downs, shoring bars, or other tools of the same amount of strength.

They also note that not securing certain materials can result in obstacles in the road. Examples include furniture, lumber, metal, and furniture. Another issue with loads that haven’t been properly secured is that they can move within the trailer, which can result in the truck rolling over. This poses a hazard to everyone on the road.

Cargo is often not balanced correctly

A truck can have all of its cargo tightly and securely fastened but still not be safe. One way in which this is true is if the weight of the contents in the trailer aren’t distributed equally. If a load is not balanced, the center of gravity can be raised. It can also have sides that are extra heavy. Any of these issues could lead to serious car accidents.

There’s a limit to how much cargo can be carried

Every truck has a weight capacity. If it’s packed heavier than that, then there’s a significantly risk that he truck could rollover. Heavy loads also put extras train on the brakes and tires of the truck, which means that trucks will need longer to stop if they’re overloaded.

If you’ve been involved in a truck accident, whether as the driver or the other vehicle, please reach out to Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.