
Pit Bulls Get a Bad Rap for Causing Many Dog Bites But is This a Fair Assessment? Anyone who lives in California and has a pet is likely to know that there are strict rules regarding pit bulls in many apartment complexes and public places. This is due to the supposedly violent nature of pit bulls – but is that an accurate assessment? Are you more likely to be the victim of a dog bite injury from a pit bull than another type of dog? Read on to get the answers you need.

A recently published paper shines light on the pit bull controversy

Dr. Michael Golinko, a plastic surgeon who specializes in pediatric dog bite surgeries, published a study that’s one of the most comprehensive ever on this topic. He looked at more than 1,600 dog bite injuries that took place over a four-year period. He found some interesting facts.

First, he found that infants are much more likely to be attached by the family dog. Second, he found that pit bull dog bites were responsible for about half of all dog bite related surgeries. He also found that pit bulls are more than 2.5 times as likely than other breeds of dogs to bite a person or child over and over again, and to bite in several locations on the body.

Dog advocates question the results

There are numerous groups of dog advocates out there who swear that pit bulls are no more inherently violent than any other breed of dog. Dr. Golinko agrees that a dog’s early interactions with people can have a big impact on their future temperament. However, he also says that his study makes it very clear that pit bulls are responsible for a disproportionate number of dog attacks against children and says that they’re both more frequent and more serious.

How should we approach a pit bull owner’s liability when their dog bites someone?

Some states across the country have taken this information to heart and have banned pit bull and related breeds. California has not done that but it does allow for municipalities to enact their own “breed bans,” as they’ve begun to be called. One of the main issues in succeeding in breeding them is that “pit bull” isn’t actually a breed – it’s a number of breeds that are grouped together because they look similar.

Do you need to talk to a dog bite attorney?

Have you been injured by a dog? Or has your child suffered from a dog bite? If so, you may need to speak to a personal injury attorney. In the state of California, the owner of a dog is responsible for any attacks or bites their dog engages in – even if the owner had no reason to believe their dog was violent or capable of aggression. If you think you have a case then we urge you to call Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 right away. We can get started with a free legal evaluation.