There are many potential consequences of a dog bite accident, there’s one that many people don’t think of: Contracting rabies. If a dog is vicious enough to attack without a reason then they may very well be infected with rabies. It’s likely that your doctor will check you for rabies after you’ve been bitten, but what happens if that test comes back positive? Read on to learn more and then contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 to find out what your legal options are.
Defining rabies
Most people have heard of rabies but they don’t often know what it is. Put simply, it’s a virus that can be transmitted from a dog’s saliva to a human during a dog bite. The virus is actually one of the oldest viruses on earth, and once symptoms start, there is not cure and no treatment. This is why it must be prevented via vaccination.
Rabies falls into two different forms: Paralytic and frantic. Frantic is more common in both humans and dogs, and is the cause of almost all human infections throughout the world. This is why most states require that dogs are vaccinated for rabies and continue to get booster shots.
Treatment for rabies
If the dog that bit you comes back positive on a rabies test, then your doctor is likely to vaccinate you so that you don’t get symptoms. Remember that rabies is an extremely painful virus and the vaccination is worth it to prevent the virus from infecting you. That said, the treatment is expensive and extensive.
If you’re treated for rabies before being exposed, you’ll get one dose of immunoglobulin and then four doses of the vaccination over a two-week period. This treatment used to be injected in the stomach but today it can be injected into the arm.
If you’re treated for rabies after you’ve been exposed to rabies then you’ll have a more challenging time. Most hospitals don’t carry this vaccination. Instead, they’re required to order it from the CDC or find a nearby hospital that’s a registered carrier. As a result, the vaccination likely needs to be transported and the cost of the entire series of post-exposure treatments typically runs about $3,000.
Note that this is only for the vaccination – not the cost of missing work, your doctor’s fees, the cost of hospitalization, and other costs that can come as a result of this accident.
A personal injury attorney may help you afford the treatment
If you can’t afford the treatment described above, or you’ve received it and are facing mounting medical bills, then you may benefit from talking to a personal injury attorney. To learn more about the potential for filing a dog bite lawsuit, give us a call today at 909-982-0707.
We’ll offer a free initial consultation, during which we’ll explain your options and let you know what your chances are. If we accept your case, it will be taken on a contingency basis so there’s no risk to you. Call today and find out how you can get the compensation you deserve.