
Are You Surprised by This Reason for the Increase in Traffic Accidents in California?

There’s been a lot of coverage on the increase in traffic across the country and in California. There are a lot of reasons for it, including the increase in cell phone use and the fact that the economy has improved while gas prices have gone, which has resulted in more drivers on the road. However, there’s one factor that many people aren’t discussing: Drowsy driving. Why is this more prevalent than ever before? Read on to find out and then contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for your free case evaluation.

People aren’t getting enough sleep and the consequences are significant

You’ve likely heard that it’s important to get a full eight hours of sleep every night. You also probably sleep fewer than eight hours every night. While it may seem necessary in a world of overscheduling, it’s important to know that not getting enough slip is linked to an increase in depression, weight gain, and a host of other medical issues. It’s also linked to the number of car accidents.

A shocking number of fatal accidents involve a drowsy driver

According to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, about 20% of fatal car accidents in the U.S. involve at least one drowsy driver. Beyond that, it’s also been shown that the less sleep a person gets, the more likely they are to get into a car accident. For example, one study showed that people who sleep only five or six hours are twice as likely to get into an accident compared to those who sleep seven or eight hours.

When considering drivers who’ve only slept for four or five hours, their likelihood of getting into an accident is double that of someone who got enough sleep. The good news though is that taking a nap can help, as long as you take it within 24 hours of not getting enough sleep. The point is that anytime you get behind the wheel, you should have had at least seven hours of sleep in the past 24 hours.

There are other causes of drowsing driving accidents

Not getting enough sleep is just one example of drowsy driving. A person who’s taken prescription or over the counter medication that makes them drowsy could have slept for ten hours in the last day but would still have a higher risk of an accident. Driving a long distance without taking a break – especially if done during nighttime – can also increase drowsiness no matter how much sleep the person got.

If you’ve been involved in an accident involving a drowsy driver then we recommend you call Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 as soon as possible. We are here to offer a free case evaluation. If we take on your case, we will accept it on a contingency basis. This means that you won’t pay us a penny until you win your case, and as a result there is no risk to you at all.