
The Pitfalls That Can Derail an Electrocution Injury Case in California

Electrocution injury cases in California, while a subset of personal injury law, require a specialized approach. Sadly, not all attorneys are equipped to handle the intricacies these cases entail. This oversight often leads to critical mistakes that can compromise the rights of the victims, denying them the justice and compensation they rightly deserve.

At Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas, we have witnessed first-hand these blunders made by other firms, and we are here to shed light on them. Read on to learn more and contact us at 909-982-0707 if you require help from an electrocution accident attorney.

Overlooking Multiple Liable Parties

A frequent misstep involves not recognizing all the responsible entities in electrocution cases. Such incidents may often involve multiple parties at fault, ranging from the power company to several contractors who either contributed to the hazard or failed to rectify it. Effective representation entails a thorough investigation to pinpoint all potential negligent parties.

Misplacing Reliance on Workers’ Compensation

While workers’ compensation might sometimes offer the most fitting solution post an electrocution incident, it is not a universal remedy. There are scenarios where external contractors or other factors are involved that demand the accountability of additional parties beyond what workers’ compensation can address.

Neglecting Comprehensive Witness Search

The perfect witness can solidify an electrocution case. But a common pitfall involves not searching diligently enough. Some attorneys might only engage with those who voluntarily come forward. However, in numerous instances, individuals with the most crucial information might be reluctant to voluntarily share. A proactive approach to identifying and interviewing these potential witnesses is imperative.

Engaging Inappropriate Expert Witnesses

The choice of expert witnesses can make or break a case. Electing to work with non-local experts can be detrimental, particularly in a state as distinct as California with its unique ecological and infrastructural characteristics. An expert accustomed to the dynamics of another region might lack the nuanced understanding of how electrocution incidents unfold in California.

Insufficient Number of Expert Witnesses

Beyond the relevance of expert witnesses is the sheer number. Some attorneys might stop at acquiring one or two experts, missing out on the multifaceted nature of electrocution cases. Expertise in areas like electrical engineering, wood science, the aging electrical framework of California, or the National Electric Safety Code might all be pivotal in comprehensively building a case.

Connect with Us for Expert Guidance

Electrocution injury cases necessitate a blend of expertise, meticulous attention to detail, and a comprehensive approach. At Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas, we are equipped with the requisite experience and dedication to champion the cause of electrocution victims. Reach out to us at 909-982-0707 for a no-obligation consultation and let us explore how best to serve your legal needs.