
These Are the Steps You Can Take to Increase the Chance of Gaining a Fair Settlement for Your Motorcycle Accident Case

If you were hurt in a motorbike accident, it is critical that the person responsible be held accountable for their actions. This could take the form of having to pay for the harm they did. Continue reading to find out how to raise your chances of receiving the highest jury award or settlement. Do not forget to call 909-982-0707 to schedule a free legal consultation with a qualified personal injury attorney at Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas.

Report to the police

You must call the authorities after an accident if there were any injuries and/or if there was property damage totaling more than $950, according to the law. We advise making a 911 call right away. Call the non-emergency hotline if there are no major injuries or property damage. If you do not call the police right away, you should go to the station and file a report as soon as possible.

Obtain medical attention

You should visit the doctor even if you think you have not sustained a significant injury. It also starts a medical document trail that may be crucial for a personal injury case, protecting you from injuries you might not have been aware of. Follow any directions the doctor gives you. This is crucial both for your own rehabilitation and in order to strengthen your personal injury claim.

Snap pictures

You should take pictures at the accident scene if it is safe to do so. Take pictures of the accident scene, the vehicles that were involved, any potential skid marks, and any other significant evidence. Take pictures of any other signs, such as stop signs, traffic lights, or street signs, that are present.

Obtain all witnesses’ statements

A statement from each witness should ideally be obtained at the crime scene. They will recall the accident and have the most details at this time. If getting statements is not possible, request their names and contact details instead.

Keep your clothing and helmet

If you were wearing a helmet at the time of the accident, you are probably aware that a helmet should typically be thrown away after an accident, but not this time. Although you should never wear it again, you should retain it in case evidence is required. Also, since motorcycle riders have little to no protection, your clothing may conceal bits of potentially helpful evidence.

Call Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 as soon as possible if you need a free legal consultation after a motorcycle accident. We are waiting to learn exactly how we can assist you.