
What’s a Dog Bite Worth? Comparing Facial Wounds and Other Dog Bite Wounds

Anytime a person is bit and injured by a dog, it’s important to seek medical attention. That said, there are some bites that can be more serious and damaging than others. No matter what type of bite you or your loved one has suffered, you need a California dog bite attorney. Read on to learn more about what you may expect from a dog bite personal injury case and then contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free case evaluation.

Dog bite wounds don’t go away when the wound heals

Depending on where a person is bit and how serious the injury is, it may heal in just a few days or it may require numerous surgeries. Either way, when the medical treatment is over, that doesn’t mean that the victim is done dealing with their dog bite.

They often have issues that can lead for weeks, months, or even years. These issues can include nightmares, anxiety attacks, and flashbacks. They may also have permanent scars and in the most serious of cases they may even have to learn to live with a dismemberment. The physical signs of their attack are visible to everyone they come into contact with, and the person who was bitten must be reminded of the attack every time they look into a mirror.

These issue can be even worse for children

The truth is that children are much more likely to be bitten by a dog than an adult is. Yet, they can have some of the worst long-term effects of a dog bite. As younger and less experienced people, they’re less able to cope with both their physical and emotional injuries. They may require ongoing counseling to deal with the issues.

Not all wounds are equal

When it comes to personal injury law, not all dog bite wounds are equal. A wound that heals quickly and has little scarring is likely to result in a lower settlement or award than a wound that ended up infected or left permanent scarring. Even the gender of the person bitten by a dog can make a difference. Studies have shown that girls who have been bitten by dogs are likely to get higher settlements or awards than boys.

We will work to get you the highest compensation available

When you choose to work with Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas, we will find ways to maximize your compensation. We will consult with whomever it’s necessary to consult with, including medical experts, plastic surgeons, and financial legal analysts. We will gather as much evidence as possible to show a judge or jury why you deserve maximum compensation.

Call now to get your free case evaluation

Do you want to work with an experienced attorney who can fight for your rights? Then you’re ready to call Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707. The first step is a free consultation in which we consider the evidence and give you our expert opinion. Call today to find out what your options are and how to move forward.