
Whiplash Injuries Are REAL. Don’t Get Shortchanged On Your Compensation.Have you recently been involved in a rear-end auto accident? Are you now suffering from pain, stiffness, or tenderness in your neck or upper back? You have whiplash. And no matter what your insurance company may try to tell you, this is a significant injury that is deserving of compensation.

A “minor” injury can have a major impact on your life

Whiplash is often dismissed as a “minor” injury. In fact, you may feel just fine immediately after your auto accident due to the pain-masking effect of adrenaline. However, in the coming days you may develop significant pain. It’s common to suffer a concussion with whiplash injuries, which can lead to dizziness, nausea, and confusion. In the case of a particularly severe whiplash injury, you could be dealing with nerve damage in your neck.

Any of these symptoms can keep you out of work, stick you with big medical bills, and negatively affect your quality of life. This makes it very important to take your injury seriously and get help from a qualified auto accident injury attorney ASAP.

You cannot trust your insurance company to compensate you fairly

Insurance companies are always predisposed to minimize auto accident victims’ suffering in order to limit their own financial liability. It’s just how they do business. Because whiplash and other soft tissue injuries do not show up on x-rays or leave visible marks on the skin, there is often little objective evidence of the injury, making it very easy for insurance companies to deny victims the compensation they deserve.

Let Fernando D. Vargas help you prove your need for compensation

At The Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas, we have successfully handled many whiplash injury cases, and we know exactly how to document your suffering and create the strongest possible argument for you to receive the compensation you deserve.

As a first step, we will make sure you see a qualified doctor with experience in diagnosing and treating whiplash injuries. Your doctor’s notes on your case will be invaluable in proving to the insurance company that you are injured and you are not faking or exaggerating your pain. We will also educate you on how to keep a personal injury diary, which can be used to record the many ways your injury has affected your daily activities and emotional well-being since your auto accident.

Call Now for a Free Consultation

If you would like to learn more about working with Fernando D. Vargas on your auto accident injury case, please contact us at 909-982-0707 today.